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Improving access to the private rented sector with Crisis

The TDS Charitable Foundation and Crisis, the national homelessness charity, have partnered on a three-year project that combines Crisis’s commitment to ending homelessness and the TDS Charitable Foundation’s aim to improve access to the private rented sector.


Recent statistics have shown the number of people experiencing homelessness continues to rise. With the UK facing a lack of social housing, the private rented sector must play a role in tackling this issue. The partnership will explore and develop practical solutions to make that happen.


The three-year project includes:


1.     Funding for specialist staff at Crisis Skylight centres nationwide to:

  • Help people experiencing homelessness access good quality homes in the private rented sector and sustain their tenancies

  • Build relationships with landlords to create routes into good quality homes.

  • Work with tenants and landlords to ensure successful tenancies and address any challenges

2.      Assisting people experiencing homelessness with the costs of establishing a home in the private rented sector, by (but not limited to):

a.      Funding deposits

b.      Purchasing essential furniture

c.      Funding travel expenses for property viewings


3.      Undertaking research and developing evidence to inform policy makers on the best way to support those who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness, to access the private rented sector.


Together, the TDS Charitable Foundation and Crisis aim to create a private rented sector that works better for people facing homelessness, helping them secure safe and stable homes.



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